Deborah Happel
Licensed Massage Therapist NC #19024

Pay What You Can

I recently took a Tui Un (Chinese massage) seminar from an acupuncturist name Nate Novgrod. His rate policy was an inspiration to me. Nate offers suggested rates for his time and services. Some people choose to pay more; others pay less. I've decided to follow his example. My suggested rate is $60 an hour, regardless of which techniques we use.

I've given this subject quite a bit of thought. It bothers me that many people who work on their feet all day -- teachers, restaurant servers, laborers, cashiers, to name a few -- cannot afford regular massage. I want to help with that problem. It does not matter to me how much you are able to pay. What matters to me is that you feel better. Massage works best if you come in weekly, or at least twice a month. Don't let the money stop you. Pay what you can, and I will be honored to try to help you feel better.

One more thing: Time. Set aside at least an hour for your massage. We don't want to hurry.